
Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Personal Transformation
There are 51 articles associated with the tag Personal Transformation!
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Transform Your Life
What's the best way to make a difference in the quality of your life. The answer lies not with one-time actions, which offer temporary results, but with embracing the concept of long-term pattern. Any discipline (playing a sport, learning a new language, utilizing a meditation) becomes a tool for growth when it's performed daily. Starting out, hitting plateaus, sticking with it and pushing send on--these steps all lead toward personal transformation.Nobody understands the...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 55 )
Looking at God, I said, Lord, Im so happy to be here.When I return home, Ill spend my life building a temple where we can worship and praise you.Thats very kind of you, He said, but whatever gave you the idea that I dwell in temples or that I want to be worshipped and praised? Look, I really get bored with this praise thing. Instead of building me a temple, why dont you feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick and teach those who wa...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 54 )
Together we walked along a lovely pathway in a garden of exquisite beauty.Flowers with the most delicate forms blended their exotic scents to perfume the air with an ever so subtle fragrance. Surely, I thought, Eden must have looked like this. Birds with brilliant-colored plumes sang while painted butterflies danced in fluttering pirouettes creating a rainbow of colors.We crossed a nearby clearing into the midst of a garden party. The tables and chairs were neatly arrange...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 50 )
To reach System 22 from earth there are several transfer points. Each person who wants to go or is invited to visit must first go through one of these transfer points. I dont know the exact reason why, but I understand it has something to do with space-time coordinates. Purely technical, I guess.There are a number of these locations here on earth and a few of them are in this country. Right now, were in an area you call Arizona. There are also transfer points in Califo...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 49 )
It was the day after Christmas. The morning was bitter cold,but the golden rays of the sun bathed the trees in a frosty, sparkling beauty.Somehow,deep within me, I felt this was to be the day for my visit to System 22. Yet nothing had happened to confirm my feelings.Christmas day had been spent at home with the family. It was exciting to help my children set up their toys. I reflected on the days of my childhood and how, with great excitement, I would wait for Christmas d...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 48 )
Is it like a super headquarters from which the Almighty manages his universe? I blurted out still curious, like a child with a new toy.Its only headquarters for one universe. There are many universes and each one has its own support system. Ours and yours is System 22.How many universes are there altogether, Marla?How many grains of sand are there in the desert? How many stars in the heavens?she quickly replied in answer to my question.W...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 47 )
Gideon announced,When youre out of your body as you are now, John, your thoughts are materialized at the speed of light, or rather, at the speed of thought. The same thing could happen when youre in your body, of course, but then you have to take into account the concept called time. So, managing ones thinking is as essential here as it is there. As a man thinketh..., remember?Wow! What a fantastic place!I shouted. Could I think of...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 45 )
A week had passed since my last meeting with Gideon and Marla. Christmas was only a few days away and we, like many other families,were preparing for the occasion. Barely able to afford a tree, we settled for a sorry-looking specimen and spent most of the remaining weekend hanging ornaments,lights and decorations. Tired but pleased that we were able to make the most of what we had, I fell into bed exhausted.I must scarcely have fallen asleep when, all of a sudden,I was wi...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 42 )
Dont you have a sense of something important you must do in this lifetime? he questioned.Oh sure, doesnt everybody? Surviveget through today so I can start over and struggle with tomorrow. Anyway, why didnt you stay around to help me when I needed it? Why didnt you tell me these things were going to happen? You knew, didnt you?Of course, I knew. But if I had told you about them, you probably would have given up and never reac...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 41 )
The morning arrived and I prepared for my meeting with Gideon.I felt calm and composed yet, there was an undercurrent of excitement that even I couldnt deny. Due to my recent relocation, I wasnt familiar with many of the local streets. Finally, out of frustration, I resorted to a local map and, having located the street, got in my car and drove off.At the designated address, I walked up to the front door and anxiously rang the bell. A gray-haired lady opened the door, s...
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Spirituality Information - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 59 )
I didnt have to die, not on a cross nor anyplace else. As you can see, John, Im far from dead. My followers, if you look over there, as he pointed to Peter and Paul,Were a group of pretty somber folks and I had to make quite an impression on them. I had to make sure they got the message and were going to teach others about the laws of life. They quickly forgot the miracles and parables, but my so called death and resurrection gave them t...
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Spirituality Information - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 58 )
You wonder about prayer at times and think that it must be magical.Theres no magic in it. Its a method I gave to you so that you could reach Me anytime you want. It was designed to bring you to the realization that you should be aware of Me all the time. Prayer does not change Me, it changes you. Use it as it was originally Come first to yourself and then youll find that you have come to Me.You are a child of the King, a prince of the realm. All of you are chil...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 9 )
New Age prophets and their religious teachers spoke of various convergences and impending disasters around the turn of the century, of fire and earthquakes, famines and floods. And then there were those charismatics, wiser in the ways of the world of commerce than their more esoteric cousins, who preached the gospel of the laws and the profits and all their brethren were amazed at how well they prospered.And so it was as the jet neared the coast of North America, I refl...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 94)
I will go now, he said as he snapped to attention. Much to be done. Duty calls and all that. It was wonderful seeing you again, Gideon. And Marla, I still wish to take you away and make you my princess. Are you sure you ... ?Marla interrupted,Not this time, Kamal. But keep trying; I like it.I bid you good evening, John, he said. Then he looked at Pandayji and continued, It was good to see you, Pandayji. Let us get together in Trivandrum ...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 93 )
This whole story seems so confusing, I replied as Kamal beamed a disarming, boyish grin,it seems as if youre ageless. They speak as if you were born centuries ago. And yet, you dont appear to be a day older than I. I just dont understand.Things are not always what they seem to be, my boy, replied the Terror. Gideon taught us that appearances could be deceiving. People are afraid of what they do not understand. And when theyre...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 92 )
Gideon then apologized to the manager.Please excuse my friends. They didnt mean any harm. Sorry for the inconvenience and commotion. Anyway, theyll be leaving soon. The manager seemed only too anxious to agree to anything that would return tranquillity to his restaurant. He thanked Gideon,bowed,turned and left with the two nervous guards in tow.Marla spoke up, You always seem to have this effect on others, Kamal. Maybe, you might try to be a bit more cordial? N...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 90)
Trivandrum is a little city in the south of India. It faces the sea and, though sweltering during the day, is cooled in the evening by the gentle on-shore breezes that circle the tip of the sub-continent. It was years since I had visited that small city with Pandayji, but I vividly recall the spontaneous, gregarious nature of its population. There were fishermen and farmers, soldiers and sailors; merchants hawking their wares, strangely dressed figures riding horses, shouting...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 8 )
I glanced at my watch, noticing we had less than an hour or so before touch down. Dinner had just been served, but I had no desire for airline food. Not far from the airport is a café-style restaurant where I frequently stop when I travel. I thought Id stop there on my way home and grab a bite. Seeing Gideon again after all these years had rekindled in me a great curiosity about life. Much had changed since the first time I met him. While on a business trip, his car had brok...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 89 )
But why did it take such a long time for me to work out the financial problems, Gideon? Why is it that only now they seem to be coming to an end? I understand all that youve said, or maybe, most of it. I dont think I have much guilt about anything. Sometimes,theres a bit of fear, but as you said,hope drives it away. I love my work and I love to share my gifts. I give as much and as often as I can. And often during the day, I stop what Im doing and take a minute...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 83 )
It is the belief in the power of the Stone that creates the magic, said Gideon.The power of belief is one of the most powerful potions available. The stone or any other talisman is just a focal point for your beliefs. Believe that you inhabit a magical world and the world is full of magic. On the other hand, believe that you live in an evil empire and everything will work together to prove you right. He ceremoniously passed the pouch back to me.Its a wond...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 82 )
As casually as you please, Gideon took the pouch and without even opening it said, Oh, the Ambrose Stone. Dont tell me the Boatman of Pondicherry was here. His voice was so matter-of-fact, as if this sort of thing happened everyday. I glanced at Marla hoping she would say something to sustain my enthusiasm, but she seemed even less amused by my news.Thats right, Gideon, she said, dont you remember Boatman saying something about giving the Ambr...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 76 )
Good to see you again, Pandayji, I replied as I seated myself across from him. I was anxious to ask him about his experiences in the meadow, but thought Id wait a while. Over breakfast, we discussed my schedule for the week and agreed there would be enough free time to visit some interesting sites in the north, if I felt like it.Still not a word from him about last night, so I brought up the subject.Since I wasnt sure whether the whole event was the result of my over...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 75)
The sound of the phone awakened me from what must have been a very deep sleep. I reached over and grabbed the handset only to find that it was my wake-up call,heralding me to face a new day. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep last night was being in a green meadow with Mardai, the children, Pandayji, Gideon and Marla. How real it seemed then, but now, with daylight streaming through the windows, my rational mind rebelled. It continuously repeated that a dream i...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 69)
Our kids, silly. She giggled as she took my hand, just like she used to, and led me to a spot behind a clump of trees. Pandayji remained behind with Marla and Gideon, engrossed in conversation.What are our kids doing here? And how come Pandayji is here? I questioned.Before she could answer, I saw Malika and Jonathan in the moonlight. Hi Dad, shouted Malika, we wanted to surprise you, but Jonathan gave it away.No Dad, Jonathan count...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 63 )
With the last minute details completed, I was on my way. Time seemed to ebb and flow into hours and days as airports, planes, flight attendants and taxis blended in harmony to transport one solitary traveler to his destination on the other side of the world.Day ran into night and night seemingly stretched into eternity as we droned across the oceans and continents. I must have fallen asleep a number of times before the flight ended.Half groggy, and feeling as though Id e...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 62 )
And so, my mind ran from one topic to another as I packed for an upcoming trip. My work sometimes takes me overseas,to different cultures, peoples and places. This time, business was taking me to the land of my ancestors,a land of contradictions, the mysterious subcontinent of India. It would not be my first visit to that country. Id been there before, as both my children were adopted in India Malika first, followed by Jonathan a few years later.I had the opportunity, ...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 5 )
It had been a number of years since I last saw them. We were sitting on the back porch discussing a letter theyd brought me from a friend. Since then, no word, no communication, no sign from either one of them. It was almost as if eternity itself opened up and swallowed them forever. With these thoughts in mind, I pressed the button for a flight attendant. I had the greatest urge for a steaming cup of coffee.It couldnt have been more than a few seconds before a flight a...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 58)
You better believe it, continued Matthias. Now we are permitted to dress whatever way we see fit mostly to fit the assignment. Once I got my wings caught in a clump of trees. You should have heard me swear. You think I cant swear, huh? Well, Ive been to all kinds of places and met all sorts of people. Ive learned their languages well. You should hear me swear in Bantu. Youve got to be good with languages, you know part of the requireme...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 57)
Just a little of this and some of that, he replied with a teasing smile.And how do you two know each other, Matthias? I thought Gideon had very few friends, I kidded. He has friends all over the cosmos, Matthias replied.He and I have had quite some adventures together. We go way back. Its a long story.Gideon laughed and announced in a matter-of-fact manner, as if he were telling me about the weather, Matthias is what youd cal...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 52)
Of course, I liked it. But its just that youre, well... you know... its that you are...She interrupted, Its just that I am Marla, right?Thats it, Marla. Thats just it. If you were an...Again she finished my thought, ...an ordinary person. You were about to say that if I were an ordinary person, it would have been fine. She took my hand and started walking back to the hotel. If I were someone you felt c...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 51)
She quickly shot back, Do you think of Kimberly every once in a while? And do you wonder what it would have been like if the two of you had decided to pursue a relationship?Yes,I do. But those thoughts dont occupy every waking moment. Now and then Ill close my eyes and see her on that beach. Sometimes the vision is so strong and clear that I can almost sense her in my arms and feel her lips against mine. There was that electric spark from the moment we met. I g...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 50 )
If youre referring to their physical qualities, John, that wasnt the reason. Physical attributes change. A beauty today may not be a beauty tomorrow. There is something much more important than physical characteristics. Its something of the spirit. Coming from deep within, its expression overshadows everything else. Its an attraction of the soul, that invisible part of you that has always been and always will be. Thats how it was with Peter, the stock- br...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 4 )
Clouds hold a special attraction for me, especially when Im flying above and can enjoy them from this unique perspective. They seem so angelic, so pure, so easily shaped into sculptures of the imagination wherein one can read all sorts of strangetales. I watched the Volkswagen beetle cloud as it began shifting its form into wispy little alphabet letters. At first, vapory patches seemed to break away and almost disappear before my eyes. This strange cloud seemed to have a wil...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 45)
Gideon knew exactly what Id like for dinner. There were curries of various seafood like grouper and arapaima served with roti. Side dishes of chutneys, samosas and island bhajees complimented the steaming rice biryani. In the center of the table, Jarvis placed a bowl filled with succulent guavas, mangoes, sapodillas and papaya.Enjoy your dinner, said Jarvis as he left.Everything looks good, I commented, and the coffee smells heavenly. Thank you, Gideon, t...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 44)
Oh, in about ten minutes would be fine, said Gideon, and, turning to me he continued,I hope you dont mind, I ordered earlier so it would be ready whenever we were. I asked them to prepare your favorite dishes,John. Just a special surprise for you. Jarvis smiled and left.Now, John, continued Gideon,you were telling us about a romantic situation. Was that the one with Kimberly or was it Cindy?I was stunned. You knew about that? I nev...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 43 )
I pulled on my sneakers and it wasnt more than a minute before I took the elevator to the lobby. Island life is so informal that I felt totally at home. The restaurant was across the street, a short distance from the hotel.It was built in such a way that those who occupied the best seats enjoyed an unobstructed view of the ocean.By now it was becoming dark,that strange darkness that suddenly descends in the tropics, making you think that someone had abruptly dropped a cu...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 3 )
I recalled my first flight as a teenager leaving one country for another to continue my education. The excitement of foreign adventures was mixed with the sadness of leaving my family. As the plane took off and the northern coast of South America dropped below the horizon, I remember brushing a small tear off my cheek, yet smiling at the glorious possibilities of exploring a new, fascinating and sometimes frightening world. It would be years before I would see my family again...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 37 )
It wasnt too long before we were riding in a colorful cab headed toward the hotel, about half an hour away. I was anxious to get to the beach and looking forward to enjoying the sun and the sea. Actually, most times at the beach, I prefer sitting under a large shady tree gazing forever at the horizon where the ocean meets the sky.It is by the sea that I hear the whisper of the universe, the songs of the stars and the melodies in the wind. Its always good to go down to t...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 36 )
The problems of next week would have to wait until this week was done. Nothing would ruin this weekend. Lulled in comfort, I must have dozed off because the next thing I heard was Marla saying, We should be there soon. What would you like to do when we arrive? Would you prefer to rest for a while or get involved in island life right away? Itll be a few hours before Gideon arrives.Im looking forward to a wonderful weekend, Marla, I said as I stretched and ...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 30 )
Gideons comment made me realize we all need to be reminded every once in a while that this is a just and orderly universe. We are safe in it and any appearances to the contrary are just that appearances. Its the way we interpret what we observe that decides how well meet the situation.So youre reflecting on this, eh?Tell me glorious, mysterious secrets of life, Gideon,not simple stuff about friendship and medals. Mysterious secret...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 2 )
Somewhere between New York and London at 39,000 feet above the earth, my heart was at peace while my exhausted body and mind took the opportunity to rest. I had just successfully completed a one-week, business trip, which had taken me from one coast of North America to the other, then over the Pacific to down under in Australia. Mission accomplished in a few days, it was back to the United States and then over the Atlantic to London.Now I was returning home, filled with a...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 29 )
Just a friend dropping by. Do I have to have a reason?I guess, youre right, I said. I used to think that I had quite a few friends, until I couldnt be of much use to them any longer. I thought they stayed around me because we cared about one another. But when things really got bad for me, they disappeared so fast youd think they vanished into thin air.So you were mad at them because they didnt stand by you? he asked in ...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 23 )
My father once told me the story of the Ambrose Stone. He never mentioned from where it got its name, but said that it was a stone infused with miraculous power. If you touched a sick person with it, that person would be healed. If you slept with it under your pillow, you would have dreams of the future and would be more able to plan your life in a way that would be most beneficial.The Ambrose Stone, my dad said, would bring its owner, love, joy, peace, health and prosper...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 22 )
A phone call interrupted my reverie. It was Gideon asking if Id had an interesting morning. I blurted out the incident of the birds and the books and the paper and the music and whatever else I could recall. I commented how curious it seemed that dreams of yesteryear could leap across the crevices of time onto the pages of today.When you think about it, John, he said, there really is no past nor future, no beginnings nor endings,just the ones that we create in our min...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 1 )
Perhaps, in the never-ending search for meaning, not only does meaning seem to elude us, but we find ourselves faced with the eternal questions of life. Why do roadblocks always appear at the most inopportune moment? Where is help when we are down in the arena and boots are on our necks? Why am I here and where am I going? Will I ever again see my loved ones who have died? And so it goes . . . on and on. Although no one could satisfactorily answer such questions, there is som...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 17 )
Thats one of the main reasons were back with you, said Marla.There are other reasons, of course, but this is by far the most important. By the time were finished with these adventures, therell be no need for us to work with you in this way and youll go on to finish the task you had set for yourself.Youll sing your song, youll accomplish your mission, youll fulfill your destiny, so to say.One secret you say? Only o...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 16 )
Gideon took another sip of coffee, leaned back in his chair and looked at me through half-closed eyes. Its been such a long time since weve done any fun things together. Marla and I have checked with others in the company and theyve all agreed that we should take you along on one of our travels. Even the Chief thought itd be a good idea.A trip? Super! Id really love that! I said, bubbling with anticipation. Those who worked for him alway...
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Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 15 )
Well, I asked, what are you doing in this neck of the woods? I know you just didnt happen to be passing by? You must have something specific in mind thats why youre here.He seems to know us only too well, Marla, Gideon said with a wink. But then again, John, we dont always need a reason to see you.Friends, no matter where they are, love to get together just for the fun and enjoyment of each others company. You...
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Spirituality - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 97 )
It was as real as you could get, Marla said, more real than breathing. The Chief wants us to explain to you, as clearly and simply as possible, the greatest secret in the universe.So, whats the big rush? You waited long enough, I blurted, as I sprang from my chair, waving my hand in the air. I was beginning to think youd just made up the whole thing and frankly, I was a bit tired of asking and not getting a direct answer. So, what is it?...
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Spirituality - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 96 )
A few weeks had gone by since my return from the land of mysteries. To me, this ancient place always conjured up visions of fiercely armed warriors charging across the plains to do battle with opposing armies. It is interesting to observe how some of the most awesome experiences of ones life could quickly fade into vague memories. Such was the case with my Indian adventures as I fell into the routine of daily life again.Every now and then Id think of Gideon and Marla....
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The Secret
The Secret, which is described as a self-help film, presents the Law of Attraction in a documentary format. This law is the secret that has traveled down through the centuries to reach us all. This film features short interviews and dramatized experiences of a team composed of personal transformation specialists, feng shui masters, spiritual messengers and moneymaking experts. As one can see when one watches The Secret, the Law of Attraction is the principle whereby pe...

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Willia Mickulskis - Internet Marketing Specialist at Taggart Transcontinental - I met Teo at a networking event last year and remember thinking "I need to work with this guy" but I didn't contact him until a couple months ago. Boy, I am glad I did. We found some new strategies that have brought new customers to my business within a month. Sales are up! I look forward to more of the same! - March 15, 2012, Willia was Teo's client |
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